Lychee shrimp salad

Lychee shrimp salad
Estimated time30 minutes


Lychee in light syrup, shallot, onion, coriander, mint, vinegar, black sugar/white sugar, lemon, Thai chili, chili powder, fish sauce, roasted peanuts, shrimp, bean sprouts, ginger, garlic, tomato, carrot, cucumber, lettuce

How to cook
Step 1: Prepare ingredients: Shrimp, sprouts, peeled and shredded carrots and cucumbers.
Step 2: Put the juice of 2 lemons, 30ml of fish sauce, 15g of sugar, crushed chili, garlic and thinly sliced ​​ginger into a small pot, bring to a boil over low heat, cook and stir until the sugar dissolves.
Step 3: Wash cilantro, mint leaves and cut into small pieces. Onions and shallots slice thinly
Step 4: Boiled/baked shrimp and peeled it
Step 5: Put all the vegetable ingredients in a bowl - except the shrimp - then pour the cooled salad dressing, mix well
Step 6: Place shrimp on top and mix well before serving

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